
Normally, a disclaimer page warns you that the website earns a commission on a product we recommend. While that is technically true, we are not required to make this disclaimer.

That’s because we own the web hosting store. This means that you will save money on the products you buy.

For example, you can get web hosting many places – NameCheap, GoDaddy, SiteGround, BlueHost and many, many others. Nearly all of these hosts, like SiteGround, have unlimited hosting for $3.99 per month.

So do we.

The difference is that SiteGround doesn’t make the website for you. They offer WordPress. Now, WordPress is an exceptional product, and it is used by almost half of the Internet, and has been around for 20 years, it’s a lot like Ikea – it’s a build-it-yourself website kit. That takes time.

A LOT of time.

Time is money. By the time you know what you are doing, you understand why Web Professionals charge for their time. Even more so, when you don’t have experience, a laptop, or you make costly mistakes that mean you have to start all over.

So… yes, we actually do own the web hosting company. And, we make a profit off of helping people. We also have a strong desire to serve. The more important question isn’t what we earn. The more important question is:

How can we help you?

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